Communication is Key in Massage Therapy
Generally, Massage Therapy and Bodywork techniques are a safe, beneficial and therapeutic practice. However, there are times when it isn’t safe for a person to receive treatment. Service should be avoided when certain risk factors are present, or when the potential risk from treatment outweighs the benefit.
We care about our Guests and want to ensure our Services will not cause any harm. It is highly recommended that a person with contraindications, pre-existing conditions that may respond negatively to Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork treatments, seek the advice of their healthcare physician prior to receiving treatment.
If an appointment is made with AIM, it is important that Guests communicate their conditions with our Staff. Therapists will use discretion to determine if treatment should be conducted. In some cases, treatment should be completely avoided. In other cases, modalities may still be provided if the treatment is modified to avoid the affected area of the body.
Remember, communication is key when receiving Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork treatments. Before, during and/or after your session, be sure to talk with us and let us know how you are feeling so that we can properly care for you.