About Us
Total wellness for the total you.

Our Vision
Abide In Me Therapeutic Massage Services (AIM Massage Therapy) specializes in providing a range of wellness products and services designed to rejuvenate, restore and relieve tension to the mind, body and spirit of individuals who desire to feel and be relaxed.
We are all multi-faceted; having many roles and commitments to tend to at various times and in several ways. Though tasks and responsibilities may not always be easy to handle, we strive to be the best that we can possibly be in every area. With that being said, it is vital that in every aspect of our lives – whether at our jobs, socially or in the comfort of our own space – we aim to have and maintain a balanced, fulfilled and stress free lifestyle.
Our vision for AIM Massage Therapy is to provide the best therapeutic treatments available to help our Guests meet their overall wellness goals; to offer positive, healthy and productive support, allowing Guests the opportunity to focus on their well-being.
Serving the New York City and New Jersey areas, our passion as a mobile Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork company is to provide total wellness services for the total you.
As you abide in the hands of trusted Therapists, each session AIMs to foster an atmosphere of wellness that allows you a moment of “stillness”; to breathe, unwind, decompress, reflect and reconnect – free from distractions, interruptions or pain. Inclusive with massage techniques, faith-based and holistic principles are used to encourage you to leave your stress behind and to AIM toward the fulfillment of your life’s purpose.